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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Mudbox Modeling

Finished most of the modeling in Mudbox. Waiting to use the displacement map still trying to figure out the new tincturing system first.

The high poly version with Wireframe.

Attempting to texture this but not even close to the result i wanted.

With the new texturing system i can make this object and picture which looks hilarously bad into this:

Which is much nicer. It implements three different textures and uses a fractal to randomize the placement in order to make it look more random and less uniform so it looks realistic.

Hypergraph set up of the new texturing system. Tutorial video on how to coming possibly tonight.

Factory setting had to remodel the buildings due to there structure the uvs where a pain to lay out and the textures are working much nicer now. Also went back and remodeled the base shape with multiple objects that are not combined to make uving easier.

New Ground Plane fixed the peative nature and figured out how to layer in even more subtle details such as in the top right corner there is sorta a hole with a craked part of earth.


  1. I do know you're basing this Mountain Environment off of a painting. But I don't remember exactly where this particular mountain is in the illustration. However, I think there is too much geometry. Way too much. In no disrespect, It almost looks like mountain with a giant blanket covering it, oppose to stiff hard geometric rock. However, this is also probably due to it being grey in the first picture.

    If this mountain is close up, maybe you need all this geometry..? I'm not sure. But if it's going to be in the distance, then decrease the geometry. Maybe go back to the basic mesh, make the huge bumps and ridges where you need them, and then let the displacements work the rest.

    I do love the earlier mesh, though. And maybe I'm being to critical before seeing the final result lit and textured. I have never modeled giant mountains before.

    The grass texture. It looks sexy. Just be careful of repeating patterns.

    Factory building. Awesome start. I'm not sure if this was the exact problem you were having, but you mentioned something about the UVs driving you insane.

    For me, I like to keep the modeling as simple and separate as possible. I feel there's no need to make everything ONE mesh. Build it in pieces and parts, and then once the basic stuff is built.. lay out the uvs before the mesh gets more complicated. Then once you add edges or edgeloops later, it makes it easier to polish the UVs.

    The awesome textures on this building is a great time to play with displacements, bumps, specular, etc.. Also, think about adding a transparency texture to the windows. I like to do it by painting on top of the original texture in photoshop. I paint in black and white. The blacker things are, the more transparent it is. Then I add the texture to the alpha layer and check "Alpha is Luminance" in the Color attributes of the texture. There are other way to do it as well, but this way just works for me.


  2. awesome darren ill have to try that out for the texturing. The high poly map is going to be used to tranform my original mesh. There is a technique where you can basically take the general geometry and use the high poly to deform it without having the high poly version there allowing for it to obviously run alot faster. Im trying to use a displacement map for it to get more of a hard texture but i cant figure out how to make a good one. The internet doesnt have any. :(

  3. You've intrigued me. Is this like a normal map? Would you care to show me what you're talking about sometime?


  4. The textures are comming along on the factory scene but I would watch out on any of the textures repeating at all.


  5. I love the ground texture of the factory scene I believe it was. (the green one). The factory textures are looking good and the geometry looks good. Keep it coming!

    The rock from the srpings scene is looking way too smooth. I would add some more sharp edges. Looks a bit lumpy.

    You have made a lot of progress this week and I really like the new texturing system. Looks pretty sweet, might come in handy for me later!
